Monday, August 25, 2008

Mp3 Jackpot Winners

Hey now, what is this Jackpot Winner cd?! Huh?  How come I wasn't told a damn thing about it? Why is it that I 've had songs for YEARS and then all these NEW folks get to be on the cd?! Am I a bucket 'o glass, or somethin'? Did I just get looked right on through? I mean what damn meeting did I miss? When I look up and see that I was just being heard for what? For nothing? Do you know the trials and tribulations that some of us have been through to write these songs? Lordy, sometimes I swear that these folks runnin' stuff and throwin songs together just don't understand how some of US folks feel...

I mean's not a bad cd. That's not what I'm sayin at all here. In fact for what it's worth, it's actually  a good compilation. It's modern, I know...and, uh...I aint really into the new, new shit, but if I was...I would have to say that it's a pretty good throw together...what concerns me as an individual artist is...they should' a put ME on it first...and I wouldn't be here right now telling you about it...

I mean, y'know...go ahead and check it out...
I might be on the next one, you hear me...?
You hear me?
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