Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Long will it take for Obama to Check the Banks?

U.S. Planning to Reveal Data on Health of Top Banks

"The Obama administration is drawing up plans to disclose the conditions of the 19 biggest banks in the country, according to senior administration officials, as it tries to restore confidence in the financial system without unnerving investors." ~New York Times

Most of us forget that in order to restore the economy for everybody, we are going to have to be patient. Now, I wonder about that these days. It takes so long for us to agree on simple things like health care and environmentally friendly energy. Besides...we are still waiting...while every other country seems to be relatively ok with those issues. And on the other hand we are moving so fast with the speed of technology, there doesn't seem to be a way for us to even know if anything is working. This is a mutual affair here. It's between all of us, wouldn't you say?

Hmmm...I wonder now...

How Long will it take Obama check the banks?
Who's going to keep an eye on the
Money Brothers and sisters?

I guess we'll have to see...

F.S.H. Sphere: Related Content