Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Story For The Rich...

Hey everybody, how are you doing today? Good, I hope. It's been a peculiar month of worries and woes for people. Take it from us blues artists; we know what we're talking about. For many years the blues has been a way for folks to release their emotions and concerns when it comes to dealing with heavy issues that life brings us. Whether it's R & B, country, rock and roll, bluegrass, soul, jazz and even classical music, it is important for people to share the feeling of togetherness. So that we are able to cope and deal with negativity by changing some of it into forms of positivity; the music.

Today's youth has brought about hip hop. Which some of us old folks are still getting used to. This very popular spoken word form of music and entertainment that allows us into the minds of these youngsters is important. To me hip hop was a natural development from the blues, jazz and R & B genres. It makes sense to have hip hop as one of the cultures story telling voices. More and more people have become so dependent on words because of the media and communication technologies, that it was inevitable for this to happen. So every once in a while, I try to tune in to what some of these youngsters are saying. They are getting more and more honest with their story telling, too.

I was reading some news today about the progress of this nation within the past 8 years. Economically riddled with confusion, this country has seen the money evaporate like a drop of water on a hot skillet. And as the new administration attempts to figure out the problems, the conclusions seem to come up the same every time. The poor and middle class folks are losing their money to the rich.
Here is a quote from the
Huffington news:

" If the economy's growing, but middle-class and low-income families are falling behind, then the growth must be accruing to the top of the scale. And that's exactly what happened. "

And so I thought of this little hip hop story. From another perspective. Listen up, now...

Rise of the Champion NationHeavyweight Dub Champion
“Dawn (feat. Dr. Isreal)” (mp3)
from “Rise of the Champion Nation”
(Champion Nation Recordings)

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Forclosed House Of Blues: Zakiya Hooker

John Lee Hooker's daughter has got a sign for you to put on the front of your house of blues. It aint no surprise that she has the right key for a door to your heart.

I caught wind of this track from another girl called Super Fan 2009. And she is lettin' y'all have this mp3 for no money interest...and it aint no loan, either! You can move this track right into your home now for free...

Zakiya Hooker Forecloses on a Bad Love

Keeping It RealZakiya Hooker

“Love Foreclosure” (mp3)
from “Keeping It Real”

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