Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mp3 4U Band Geek

Hey everybody, howz it hangin'?
Yeah boy, summer is leanin' to the left a little and
Fall is closin' in and some of us are gettin' all anxious
about it. I wonder if the women are acting the same, this
time of year, as they always did. I remember them pretty little gals and the
way they would get ready for a long cold winter. Prepare
in the fall, is what they would do. Yeah, that's right. Except
the women are smarter 'n us and never say exactly what it is
that they are doing. Aint that right fellaz?! Cuz they are all
out there, as pretty as can be, lookin' for a nice man to snuggle
up with all winter long.
Heh heh heh...
Now I aint got to deal with that mess at all no more. In fact, what I have is something that a lot of folks call precious. I have all the time in the world.
I do. And I spend it wandering through the endless space of Netsville, here.
I have the time to discover things that I wouldn't have been able to find, back in my younger days, what with all them gorgeous women runnin' around in the sun, half nekkid, and sweatin'. Know what I mean?

But like I said, I got time to browse, now. And when I get to browsin', I be findin stuff.
So, once again, I found something new.
At MP34U.
It's one of them source folk. He calls himself 'Band Geek'
Peculiar name for a person, I would say. He sounds like a horn player to me.
I can tell by the songs he puts up in Netsville. The thing that struck me odd about this particular source was the fact that he has ALOT of songs up. In fact he has 232 songs up.
He's gotta be married. Only a married man would find enough time to do something like that.
His musical taste is all over the map, too. Which makes him an interesting choice, when it comes to selecting a DJ of sorts. Or now we call them an 'MJ' That's Mp3 Jockey, in case you weren't payin' attention. The other thing that I noticed was that 232 songs represents something else. 232 is a number that all of us Americans should be familiar with, right? Do you know what 232 symbolizes, here in this country?
Do ya?
I'll tell you if you are correct. But not until the next blog...

Just think about it.
Every American should know this number.

While you're thinkin'...
check out -Band Geek-

ok now... Sphere: Related Content

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hope and change don't sound too derranged...

Well, well, well...somebody is already sayin' somethin' about Obama bein' the President. I, personally, wouldn't jump the gun

-check this out-

I hope this young man is correct... Sphere: Related Content

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mp3 Jackpot Winners

Hey now, what is this Jackpot Winner cd?! Huh?  How come I wasn't told a damn thing about it? Why is it that I 've had songs for YEARS and then all these NEW folks get to be on the cd?! Am I a bucket 'o glass, or somethin'? Did I just get looked right on through? I mean what damn meeting did I miss? When I look up and see that I was just being heard for what? For nothing? Do you know the trials and tribulations that some of us have been through to write these songs? Lordy, sometimes I swear that these folks runnin' stuff and throwin songs together just don't understand how some of US folks feel...

I mean's not a bad cd. That's not what I'm sayin at all here. In fact for what it's worth, it's actually  a good compilation. It's modern, I know...and, uh...I aint really into the new, new shit, but if I was...I would have to say that it's a pretty good throw together...what concerns me as an individual artist is...they should' a put ME on it first...and I wouldn't be here right now telling you about it...

I mean, y'know...go ahead and check it out...
I might be on the next one, you hear me...?
You hear me?
Sphere: Related Content

Friday, August 22, 2008

Britney Speared on

Hey Y'all...check this out...
First of all you have to look at this picture of this LOVELY lady.
Britney Spears, right. Everybody knows who she is, and that she is a singer/performer type of girl. A dancer, too. Somebody has taken the time to shape her in to a celebrity, if that's the correct word. To some of us she is an American pet/media-slave. Go ahead and take a nice long look if you want to.
You done lookin'?
Me either, but anyway...see, what had happened was...

SOMEBODY recorded exactly how she sounds when she is singing live. Which means that what the audience hears USUALLY is her voice on top of a recorded track, plus effects. But SOMEBODY got a hold of JUST HER voice alone...
So...hold on to your seat and try and listen to exactly how she sounds without the extra help that she usually gets.
It's painful, but it allows you to really appreciate the folks who can ACTUALLY sing...

Then check out this link

SH Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Don't speak, Mr. Prez

Bush says that Georgia's borders need to be respected. He said the U.N. Security Council had passed numerous resolutions based on the premise that South Ossetia and Abkhazia remain within Georgia and that international negotiations seek to resolve conflicts in those areas. "Russia itself has endorsed these resolutions," Bush said.
Bush has been sayin' a whole bunch of things hasn't he?
Let's recap some of the things that Bush has also said, ok? And tell me why I need to hear Bush say anything else. How many days left? Are we at the hundred day mark yet?

Lordy lord...
please...don't speak... Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Whew...just read an article about the Olympics. Threats are bein' made to ALL Chinese people attending from the militant Muslim Terrorizers, or what ever the heck you s' pose to call them.

Now WHY would you try to threaten a billion people. I don't even like the idea of havin' a few folks mad at me, let alone a billion. can't see shit anyway because of all that damn smog and you gonna tell who is who any how?!

Man...I remember this one time I had two...just TWO women mad at me one week. I had to ask my friend who was a coffin maker to hide me for a couple days. I figure, either way, if them two crazy ass possessive females had found me or not...I was in the right hidin' place! Now...after all that I can't even BEGIN to understand why some folks would want more than TWO folks bitter at'cha. It's a waste of time, I say.
The best advice I heard as a child? "You gotta grow up and calm down."
And that don't ever stop, see?
Otherwise you keep trying to make trouble for yourself...
And if you think I'm lyin
read the article your damn self...

Man, I was in such a good mood yesterday...
Gotta go look for some Muzic right about now.
To calm the savage beast...
Shiiiiiit.... Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Freedom and Speech

What's happenin' follks?

I'm in a funny ass mood today.

Look how free some of the brothas are today. Do you know how good it makes me feel to hear my brothas SAYIN' words that are understood? Here in Netsville there is hardly a feeling that goes with typed words. But when you hear a brothah speak about black gives you a feeling.
On youtube I typed in the words Black People...
Here is one video I found...

And here is another...

I'm not here to compare these videos. I'm just amazed at the progress we have made in the USA concerning the first amendment...
Hmmph...I think I'm gettin' more and more literate each day I spend in Netsville...
Y'all have a good day...
Stay out of jail if you can...

Aye now, Let me let
Ollis Martin sing one for ya
-play song-

SH Sphere: Related Content

Monday, August 4, 2008


Hey everybody, how y'all doin' today?
Good I hope.

Once again I was checkin' out the sounds at Mp34U and I noticed something. There is this one guy that comes up pretty regularly as a source for music.
That's his name. He must live at the computer, or somethin'. He posts alot!
But whatever he is doin' I am starting to appreciate. I mean I gotta admit that with all this new music out here in the world...there might be TOO MUCH.
I like someone, every once in awhile, to let me know what's good. You know...a second opinion. And it's easier if it's just one person.
Not everybody tryin' ta tell me everything at once, you know?
So if we were gonna vote on a source for
My vote would be for Subverse. He seems to be slowly hippin' me to the lateset sounds, here in Netsville...
Alrighty...I guess I'll be back later with more Subverse picks...
Lemme leave you with one now, though...
Santogold is the pick...

I think I can deal with this world as long as there is music...

SH Sphere: Related Content

Friday, August 1, 2008

The world in a nutshell...

Hello everybody. How y'all doin' today?
Good, I hope...
I must say that here in Netsville, things are always up in the air. I guess depending on what you are looking for. Sometimes you can find some really uplifting things to read about. Sometimes you can find some really depressing stuff, too. Either way it all sounds like this word I googled last week. This word I'm talking about is 'dichotomy'. It means a mix of things that don't necessarily work together, working together. Sounds like accepting the good and bad as one to me. Or two opposites that fit like a puzzle. Whatever the actual definition means to you, to ME it means looking at this world with an attitude of acceptance.

I found this article about a congressman apologizing for slavery. Which is a dichotomy in itself, right? On one hand it might be a good reset button for current times. On the other hand it's an insult to 300 years of complete bullshit. Excuse me for that, but it's true. And it splits the minds of black people in two. Which is good if you are into multi tasking, but a headache on top of everything else that we already have to live with. Life itself is already a struggle for ANYBODY, regardless of creed, color or religion.
And I am digesting this information...I find this article : Driver runs down Woman
Which didn't give me time to even let the first article I was reading settle in my head.
It just made me think about another apology.
But a moment of clarity happened for me shortly after. I thought about all the good people I haven't read about yet. Must be thousands of stories out there about goodness. To balance out the terrible tragedies. This world might be full of nuts...but don't forget to stand back and take a nice good look at the whole tree, sometimes...

Alright y'all...lemme leave you with a song I found at (my favorite music site).
An SF bay area hip hop group by the name of Mavrik.


Have a good one Y'all...
(fake)SH Sphere: Related Content