Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jerry Reed is in heaven now

Hey y'all. I just heard some news about country singer Jerry Reed.
He has passed on into the next world. He was 71 years old. That's a good, long life for a country singer. He started at a young age, too.
I aint no country picker on a guitar like he was, but I sure do have respect for an artist who keeps his fans happy. And that's exactly what Mr. Reed did. He even acted in the film world, too. With none other than Burt Reynolds. Smokey and the Bandit. I heard that Burt
Reynolds gave him a Trans Am one day. It was just like the one in the movies, too. Anyway...just givin' my respect to a fellow guitar slinger by the name of Mr. Jerry Reed. Rest in peace young man...
Rest in peace.

Here is a video of Jerry Reed with a song about New Orleans
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