Thursday, July 24, 2008

200,000 Berliners support Obabma...

Well...the brother's got some momentum, don't he? How can you  stand by and not cheer this man on?! It's amazing the way he's got so much love and support over in Germany, of all places. Meanwhile, his own people here in the states are ready to watch him jump into a bowl of burning oil. They want to see him fail, so that some of these same republicans can continue selling their righteous beliefs like department store merchandise. 
 What Obama is doing is what people want done. They want a connection to a voice that can interpret this American dichotomy into something meaningful. He is like a great singer in search of a greater band. Anyone that has talent like he does needs to backed by a group with the same amount or more. America is the band and Obama is the singer auditioning.

At least that's how I see it.
It's good to know that America can be seen not for just some product for sale. I know we got Blenders, Lawn Mowers, Tractors, Vaccuums and i phones...but Obama is starting to give us the idea again that America has heart. And he may be able to put this gigantic heart in the right place. And the rest of the world might actually begin to accept us as 'part' of  it, and not necessarily the part in charge.

The news can hardly keep up...
here's a free Mp3 I found called

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