Friday, November 7, 2008

Keep your heads together...

Hey Y'all!! 
He did it! Can you believe it? Everyone is excited and running around with smiles.
Well...ALMOST everyone. It seems that in Califofnia prop 8 passed. Which means that
marriage is limited ONLY to hetero sexuals. Which MEANS that gay people will still have to pay taxes. I think that's what they are upset about. They are REALLY upset. 
So while millions of people get to celebrate civil rights for black people, 221 years of constitutional upheaval, slavery and people are in the street talkin' about tax cuts. I 'm thinkin' now that maybe they should have waited for the next ballot. You know...first get the right people in office...THEN change the marriage laws. But they wanted to do it at the same time as the biggest election in U.S. history. The black and white struggle had to be settled at some point in history, right? And that was a long struggle that finally came to it's resting point in the eyes of our new elected president. It was the main event. And MILLIONS of people are just trying to feel good about it. But the very next day after the election  the Gay people were in the street protesting inequality because they want TAX CUTS. 
Personally, I think they should have let black folks enjoy themselves for THIS one. For at least 3 days. That isn't alot to ask. 3 days of smiling would have been nice. But now they are saying that 7 out of 10 blacks voted for prop 8, which negates the whole feeling of celebrating civil NOW we are hated by a new group of people who are trying to fight for their civil rights. And most black people are trying not to get upset about this one. Because of the whole historic quality of this particular election, remember? We shall over come and all that Jazz. 
It's confusing, I know. The only problem with protesting on the same day as other people are trying to celebrate? You will never have there vote again. But any black person will tell anyone trying to get their gay marriage least you got this far. Black people had to go even further and push even harder. Black people had to come together, stay together and start with their own thing first. It's America. Some people in this country still don't like gay people for some strange reason. But that's America. You have to keep on keepin' on. It'll happen for you if you just keep your head together.

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